Magento 2 downloadable product is one of the product types that Magento 2 support by default. Downloadable products are products that you can deliver as a file, such as an eBook, music, video, software, apps, Magento 2 extensions, graphics, documents, courses, etc. You can not ship downloadable products because they have no weight.
Before creating a downloadable product, make sure to first configure the default values and delivery options for downloadable products. Specify if non-registered customers can purchase and downloads the product.
Learn more about How To Configure Downloadable Product Options in Magento 2
Once you have configured the "Downloadable Product Options", follow the steps below to create a downloadable product in Magento 2:
Step 1: Select The Product Type
log in to the admin panel, and go to Catalog > Inventory > Products.
In the Add Product menu, click to the upper-right corner and select Downloadable Product
Step 2: General Settings
Enable Product – choose to enable or disable the downloadable product in the storefront
Attribute Set – select the attribute for the downloadable product. You can select the attribute set from the dropdown list or search in the search box.
Enter the Product Name and SKU of the downloadable product.
Price – enter the price of the downloadable product. To offers, a special price per customers group, click "Advanced Pricing" and configure as follow:
- Special Price: enter the special price to offer a discounted price during a specified time period or scheduled campaign
- Special Price From/To choose the first and last date the Special Price is available
- Cost: enter the actual cost of the downloadable product
- Customer Group Price: click "Add" and sets the "Website", Customer Group, Quantity, and Price for specific customer groups. You can add any number of customer group prices.
If you want to automatically list all your products with special price in a dedicated/separate category page, allowing buyers to see all your special offers in one place, you can try Magento 2 Sale Category extension
Tax Class – choose the tax class of the downloadable product: "None", Taxable Goods, Refund Adjustments Gift Options, Order Gift Wrapping, Item Gift Wrapping, Printed Gift Card, Reward Points, VAT Reduced, or VAT Standard
Quantity – enter the quantity of the downloadable product that is currently in stock
Stock Status – choose from "In Stock" or "Out of Stock". By default, the Stock Status is set to "In Stock"
Note: a downloadable product type has no weight because is not shipped
Visibility - choose the Visibility and Categories of the downloadable product:
- Not Visible Individually: The downloadable product is not included in your storefront listings
- Catalog: The downloadable product is included in your catalog listings.
- Search: The downloadable product is available for search.
- Catalog and Search: The downloadable product is included in catalog listings and available for search.
By default, the Visibility of the downloadable product is set to "Catalog, Search".
Categories - choose one or more categories to assign the downloadable product. You can choose an existing category or create a new one.
Set Product as New From/To - set the start and end date to feature the downloadable product as new. Leaves the date empty to exclude the downloadable product as new in the storefront.
Step 3: Content Settings
In the content section, enter the main description and short description of the downloadable product to appears on the frontend. You can use the editor toolbar to format the content as needed.
Step 4: Images And Videos Settings
Upload the images of the downloadable product. Click on each uploaded image, and specify the image details such "Alt text", "Role" (swatch, base, small, thumbnail).
The role is used to display images. it can be swatch, base, small, or thumbnail:
- Base: Main image on the product detail page.
- Small: It is used for the product images in listings on category and search results pages, Up-sells, Cross-sells, and the New Products List.
- Thumbnail: Appear in the thumbnail gallery, shopping cart, and in some blocks such as Related Items.
- Swatch: Used to illustrate the color, pattern, or texture. All roles can be selected for one image. To hide the image from the product page, select the "Hide from Product Page" checkbox.
Step 5: Search Engine Optimization Settings
In the "Search Engine Optimization" section, enter the URL Key, Meta Title, Meta Keyword, and Meta Description of the downloadable product.
Note: Meta Description should be between 150-160 characters in length.
Looking to improve the SEO of your Magento 2 site? check out this collection of Magento 2 SEO tools extension or contact our SEO Experts
Step 6: Related Products, Up-Sells, and Cross-Sells Settings
In this section, select the related, up-sell, or cross-sell products to appears in a storefront in form of promo blocks, presenting additional products that shoppers might be interested in.
Step 7: Customizable Options Settings
If you want to include custom options to your downloadable product, click "Add Option" and configure the Option :
Option Title: enter the title of the option
Option Type: select the option type, a variety of option types are supported such as Text, File, Select, Date:
- If option type "Text" is chosen, specify the price, price type, SKU, and "Max Characters" of the option.
- If option type "File" is chosen, specify the price, price type, SKU, Compatible File Extensions, Maximum Image Size of the option
- If option type "Select" is chosen, click "Add Value" and complete the row settings for the option: title, price, price type (fixed, percent), SKU
- If option type "Date" is chosen, specify the price, price type, SKU of the option
Required: select this field if the option is required to purchase the product.
By default, Customizable Options in Magento 2 support only fixed and percent price types. If you want to create a custom option that supports absolute price type, you can try the Magento 2 Custom Option Absolute Price extension
Step 8: Product in Websites Settings
Select the website(s) where the downloadable product will be available in the storefront.
Step 9: Design & Schedule Design Update Settings
In the "Design and Schedule Design Update" sections, you can choose a different theme to be applied to the downloadable product.
Step 10: Gift Options Settings
set Allow Gift Message to "Yes" to allows a gift message to be included for the downloadable product during checkout.
Step 11: Downloadable Information Settings
Keep the "Is this downloadable Product?" checkbox selected.
In the "Links" sub-section:
Title - enter the Title to use as a heading for the download links.
Click "Add Link" and configure each column of the link:
- Title: enter the title of the download
- Price: enter the price of the download
- File and Sample: if "Upload File" is selected, click the "Browse Files" option to upload the distribution file to the server. If "URL" is selected, enter the full URL to the download file.
- Shareable: If "Yes" is selected, the link will be sent by email to customers. If "No" is selected, customers will be required customers to log in to their accounts to access the download link. If "Use Config" is selected the settings from the "Dowloadable Product Options [LINK to "Configure The Downloadable Product Options in Magento 2" ]" configuration will be used.
- Max. Downloads: enter the number of Max. Downloads to limit the downloads per customer. Select the Unlimited checkbox to allow unlimited downloads
In the "Samples" sub-section:
Title - enter the Title to use as a heading for the samples.
Click "Add Link" and configure each column of the sample:
- Title: enter the title of the individual sample
- File: if "Upload File" is selected, click the "Browse Files" option to upload the distribution file to the server. If "URL" is selected, enter the full URL to the download file.
- To add another link or sample, click Add Link and configure.
- To change the order of the links or samples, drag the row to the new position via the Move icon
- To delete any link or sample, click the Delete icon.
Step 12: Publish The Product In The Storefront
Once you have configured each section of the downloadable product, click "Save" to save the product, and check-in storefront. The created downloadable product display in frontend :