The order notes/comments are vital in e-commerce stores. It is used to stores into the system a history of communications between buyer and store admin, requests, or complaints coming from the buyer.
What Is Order Comment/Note?
A comment/note is a message/text added to the order by admin or buyer.
For the store admin: it may be annotations taken related to a ticket, tracking information of a shipment, and other kinds of information relevant for the order traceability and useful notes for possible post actions. For the buyer: it may be a special note to the order or delivery instructions to orders added during the checkout process.
This message/text is stored in the system to reflect communications between buyers and store admins.
Are Order Comments/Notes Useful?
Yes, order comments/notes are useful. If you run an online store, you may need to get some extra information from your buyers before checkout. It might be a general comment to the order, a gift note, instruction, some specific delivery time details, any message depending on the specifics of your store.
Are Order Comments/Notes Available In Magento 2 By default?
The default Magento 2 comes with a limited Order Comment feature. It's available on the admin side only, allowing admin to insert the comment to describe something relevant for the order.
To use the default order comment feature.:
- Go to SALES -> Order -> Order Detail page;
- Enter a Comment to include with the order
- Mark the Notify Customer by Email checkbox, If you want to email the comment to the buyer;
- Mark the Visible on Storefront checkbox, If you want the comment to be visible in the buyer account;
- Click the “Save Comment” button
Unfortunately, order comments are not available at the frontend (checkout page and customer account) by default. If you want both buyers and admins to add comments/notes to the orders, before and after the checkout, you can install the Order Comments/Notes Pro Extension by Ulmod.
Why Order Comments/Notes Pro by Ulmod?
The Order Comments/Notes Pro extension overcomes the default limitations and allows store owners to build an efficient order communication between store admin and buyer. It allows buyers to leave notes/comments on their orders before and after their checkout and receive admins responses via email and under their account at the storefront (My Account). Store admins can also add a comment to the order whenever needed, and choose whether to show or hide specific comments at the buyer account (frontend).
The extension adds all order notes/comments to on a dedicated order history section at both the admin and frontend sides. Also, it allows both admins and buyers to instantly receive email notifications on each new note added to the order.
How The Order Comments/Notes Pro Works?
Please check the complete step by step guide to easily install and configure the extension.
Once the extension is installed and configured:
1. Frontend Side: The Order comment/note appears at the checkout page, allowing buyers to leave a note/comment to the order during the checkout process.
2. Notification: store admin is noticed by email that a new note/comment is added to the order by the buyer.
3. Frontend Side: buyer can also view under his account (frontend), the note added to the order during the checkout
4. Admin Side: store admin can view the note added to the order and reply accordingly.
5. Frontend Side: on each admin note added to the order, a "New Message" appears to the order, under the “Recent Orders” & “My Orders” grids, highlighted in red to inform the buyer that a new noted is added by admin to the order.
6. Notification: buyer/customer is also noticed by email that a new note is added to the order
7. Frontend Side: The buyer/customer can view the note added to the order by admin, and add additionals note if needed.
As a result, it makes it easier than ever to communicate and manage order notes for both store admins and buyers/customers.
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