Order Status for Magento 2

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The extension allows creating any number of order status to improve the order processing


The extension has 2 separate ways of installation, via Composer or by copying the code.

Please follow this Installation Guide to install the extension.

Extension Configuration

Managing Order Statuses

To create, edit or view order statuses, please go to STORE ⟶ Order Statuses by Ulmod ⟶ Manage Order Statuses

To create a new item click "Add New Custom Order Status" button. The Order Status contains 2 sections: General and Notifications


Set Enabled field to "Yes" to enable the custom order status

Defines the status title in the Order Status field

In the Select Order State to Assign to Order Status -  select the Magento 2 order states to which the custom status will be applied;




Notify Customer by Email -  If set to `Yes`, customers will receive e-mail notification when order status is set to the current one;

Store View E-mail Template -  assign a specific email template to a store view.;

To assign/change the custom status to the order, please go to SALES ⟶ Operations ⟶ Orders, select the order and under the Status field, select the custom status created and click Submit Comment. The custom order status will be changed

The custom order status will  appear at the order grid


Also, you can filter by the custom order status created


Create and Use Custom Email Template (for Order Status)

To create a custom order status email template:

1. go to MARKETING ⟶ Email Templates

2. Click to "Add New Template"

3. In "Load Default Template > Template" field, choose "Order Update" template, and click "Load Template"

4. configure the custom email template per your needs. Specify the "Template Name" and adjust the "Template Content" per your needs.

5. click "Save Template"

6. Go to STORE ⟶ Order Statuses by Ulmod ⟶ Manage Order Statuses. In the "Notifications" tab, choose your custom email template in "Store View E-mail Template" tab

7. click "Save" and flush your cache

Your custom email template will be used when the order status is updated

Frontend View

Example of the custom order status displaying at the customer account

Extension Support

Need Help?

Ulmod Support team is always ready to assist you, no matter which part of the world you are in. If something does happen and you think you might be experiencing an issue or bug, please contact us via [email protected] or submit a ticket from our Helpdesk Ticket and we will help you out.

Got Questions?

Should you have any questions or feature suggestions, please Contact Us. Your feedback is welcome!

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