Sticky Header for Magento 2



The extension fixes the header of the website when the page is scrolled down


The extension has 2 separate ways of installation, via Composer or by copying the code.

Please follow this Installation Guide to install the extension.

Extension Configuration

Configuration Settings

To access the settings, log into the Magento Admin panel and go to STORES ⟶ Configuration ⟶ ULMOD EXTENSIONS ⟶ Sticky Header

The module’s configuration contains three sections: General, Main Sticky (All Page) and Product Sticky (Product Page Only)


In the General section:

Set Enable the extension -  to "Yes", to enable the extension at the storefront. The "Main Sticky" will display on vertical scrolling of any page

Main Sticky (All Page)

On this section:

Enable Custom Logo? - If Yes, the custom logo will display on main sticky. Make sure to upload the logo image. Note: the custom logo will display on all devices with min-width equal to 767px

Logo Image - please upload the logo image, allowed file types: PNG, GIF, JPG, JPEG.

Hide "Main Sticky" On Mobile Devices? - if Yes, the "Main Sticky" header will be hidden on all devices with max-width equal to 767px

Product Sticky (Product Page Only)

On this section:

Enable Product Sticky - if Yes, the product sticky header will display on product page

Show "Main Sticky Header" On Product Page? - if Yes, the main sticky header will display on vertical scrolling of the product page

Show "Add To Cart" Button - if Yes, "Add To Cart" button will be shown on the product sticky

Show "Main Product Image" - if Yes, the main product image will show on the product sticky

Show "Product Thumbnails" - if Yes, the thumbnails images of the product will show on the product sticky

Maximum Number of Thumbnail to Show - enter the maximum number of the thumbnail to show on the product sticky. eg 4

Hide "Product Sticky" on Mobile Devices? - if "Yes", the product sticky will be hidden on all devices with max-width equal to 767px

Hide "Main Product Image" on Mobile Devices? - if "Yes", "The Main Product Image" will be hidden on all devices with max-width equal to 767px

Hide "Product Thumbnails" on Mobile Devices? - if "Yes", "Product Thumbnails" will be hidden on all devices with max-width equal to 767px

Hide "Add To Cart" Button on Mobile Devices? - if "Yes", "Add To Cart" button will be hidden on all devices with max-width equal to 767px

Customization (Adjust Colors)

To adjust the main and product sticky text, background and buttons colors, please add this following CSS codes at your custom theme. Replace the default color with your colors.

You can choose your color picker from this guide and make sure to prefix each color with "#". eg #FFFFF

Main Sticky Text Color

.um-main-sticky .sticky-header-nav-sections .navigation li.level0 > .level-top,
.um-main-sticky .sticky-header-nav-sections .navigation ul li a,
.um-main-sticky .minicart-wrapper .action.showcart::before{
    color: #000000;

Main Sticky Background Color

.um-main-sticky .sticky-header-nav-sections,
.um-main-sticky .sticky-header-nav-sections .navigation {
	background: #F4F4F4;

Product Sticky Text Color

.um-main-sticky .block-search .label::before,
.um-mobile-sticky .nav-toggle::before { 
	color: #000000;

Product Sticky Background Color

.sticky-product { background: #F4F4F4;}

"Add To Cart" Text and Background Colors On Product Sticky

.sticky-product .sticky-detail .product-name-area .product-name,
.sticky-product .product-info-price .price-box .price-container .price,
.sticky-product .product-info-stock-sku {  color: #000000;}
.sticky-product .action.primary,
.sticky-product .action.primary:hover {
    background: #FF2B9E;
    border: 1px solid #FF2B9E;
    color: #FFF2F0;

In case you can not achieve it by yourself, please contact our support team at [email protected], we will help you out with that

Frontend View

Example of "Main Sticky" on the frontend

Example of "Product Sticky" on the frontend

Extension Support

Need Help?

Ulmod Support team is always ready to assist you, no matter which part of the world you are in. If something does happen and you think you might be experiencing an issue or bug, please contact us via [email protected] or submit a ticket from our Helpdesk Ticket and we will help you out.

Got Questions?

Should you have any questions or feature suggestions, please Contact Us. Your feedback is welcome!

Extension Product Page