Install and Update via Ulmod Composer

Ulmod Composer (Recommended)

We recommend you install the extension via composer. It is easy to install, update and maintain.

Install via Composer

FREE Extension(s)

  1. Log in to the Magento server (via SSH) as a user who has permission to write to the Magento file system

  2. Navigate to the root Magento 2 directory and add our repository to your composer configuration with the following command:

    composer config repositories.ulmod_freepacks composer
  3. Execute the following command to update your composer.json file:

    composer require [composer_name]

    Replace [composer_name] with the Composer Name. Please find the appropriate composer name in this table

  4. Enable the extension, update the database, deploy content, and clean cache:

    php bin/magento module:enable Ulmod_ComponentName
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    php bin/magento cache:clean

    You can find the ComponentName in the extension’s registration.php file.

Update via Composer

  1. Log in to the Magento server (via SSH) as a user who has permission to write to the Magento file system

  2. Navigate to the root Magento folder.

    To update a single extension, run the following command:

    composer update [composer_name]

    Replace [composer_name] with the appropriate "Composer Name":

    • For Paid Extension(s): check the corresponding "Composer Name" indicated at your Ulmod Customer Account
    • For FREE Extension(s): find the appropriate "Composer Name" in this table

    To update all extensions, run the following command:

    composer update
  3. Update the database, deploy content, and clean cache:

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    php bin/magento cache:clean

Delete via Composer

  1. Log in to the Magento server (via SSH) as a user who has permission to write to the Magento file system

  2. Navigate to the root Magento folder and run the following command:

    composer remove [composer_name]

    Replace [composer_name] with the appropriate "Composer Name":

    • For Paid Extension(s): check the corresponding "Composer Name" indicated at your Ulmod Customer Account
    • For FREE Extension(s): find the appropriate "Composer Name" in this table
  3. To remove ulmod repository from your composer.json, run the following command:

    composer config --unset repositories.REPO_KEY

    Replace REPO_KEY with your ulmod repository key