Install and Update via Magento Marketplace Package Upload
Marketplace Package Upload
Install via Package/Archive Upload
If you don't want to install via composer, you can use it this way.
- Download the extension package from your Magento Marketplace account.
- Unpack the extension ZIP file on your computer
- Access your website source folder with FTP/SFTP/SSH client as a user who has permission to write to the Magento file system
- Create the folder app/code/Ulmod/ModuleName. You can find the ModuleName in the extension’s registration.php file.
- Upload all the files and folders from the extension's package to the app/code/Ulmod/ModuleName folder
- Via SSH, navigate to the root Magento folder and run this command to enable the extension:
php bin/magento module:enable Ulmod_ModuleName
Update the database, deploy content, and clean cache:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- The bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy command deploy the default locale which is en_US, please add your additional locale there if you have more locale. eg. if you have additional en_GB nl_NL fr_FR locales then included it in the deploy command as follow: bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_US en_GB nl_NL fr_FR
Empty the generated folder
php bin/magento cache:clean