Magento 2 Product Grid Editor Extension

Change Log

Version 2.0.6  (May 11, 2024)

  • Fixed: Categories list not showing sometimes on edit mode

Version 2.0.5  (April 25, 2024)

  • Added: Compatibility with Magento 2.4.7 and php8.3

Version 2.0.4 (July 21, 2023)

  • Added: Compatibility with Magento 2.4.6 and php8.2

Version 2.0.3 (June 26, 2022)

  • Added: Compatibility with Magento 2.4.4, 2.4.5 and php8.1

Version 2.0.2 (Oct 13, 2021))

  • Enhanced: product grid loading time for site with large catalog size

Version 2.0.1 (Oct 7, 2021))

  • Fixed: minor system config error
  • Added: Compatibility with Magento 2.4.3

Version 2.0.0 (April 04, 2021))

  • Added: Initial release.

Extension Support

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If something does happen and you think you might be experiencing an issue or bug, please contact us via [email protected] or submit a ticket from our Helpdesk Ticket and we will help you out.

Got Questions?

Should you have any questions or feature suggestions, please Contact Us. Your feedback is welcome!

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